Promo Codes, Deals & Discounts

Promo Codes:

When you sign up for our newsletter you will receive a 20% coupon code by email that you can use on your first order.

Special Promo Codes:

Use promo code MORECHESS for 20% off.


The Chess Store always has a sale page with great deals on a wide range of chess products and coupon codes can be used on sale items for an even bigger discount.

Volume Discounts:

Most of our club supplies including plastic chess pieces, rollup boards, bags, plastic chess sets, clocks, and score books have volume discount pricing so the more you order the more you save. When you see View Volume Discounts just click and the discounts will be displayed.

Special Pricing:

Looking to purchase large volumes of something that does not offer a volume discount? Please contact with the item number and quantity and we'll be happy to quote you the very best price.

Free Shipping:

In addition to all of these savings we offer FREE SHIPPING on orders over $100 in the continental US.

Lowest Price:

When you combine all of these savings opportunities you will not find a lower price. But if you do, please contact us at and we will do everything we can to beat it!